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Find everything you need to know about Artificial Trees

The Surprising Worldwide History of Artificial Christmas Trees

The Surprising Worldwide History of Artificial Christmas Trees

The Medieval Origins of Artificial Christmas Trees

Believe it or not, artificial Christmas trees have been around for centuries. In medieval times, European churches decorated wooden pyramid-like structures with evergreen branches. These trees symbolize the Garden of Eden and the everlasting life brought by Christ.

Over the centuries, the practice spread to households and became more elaborate. German families in the 16th century decorated wooden framed pyramid trees with nuts, fruits, and candles. By the 19th century, Christmas trees had become a symbol of wealth and social status, with the wealthiest families adorning their trees with silver and gold.

Worldwide Adoption and Evolution of Artificial Christmas Trees

Despite their long history, artificial Christmas trees became widespread in the 20th century. In the 1930s, the Addis Brush Company created the first artificial tree made of brush bristles. Later, during World War II, metal shortages led to the creation of easy aluminum trees to assemble and disassemble.

Artificial Christmas trees continued to evolve, from early PVC models to more realistic options made from polyethylene and options brushed with organic materials. Nowadays, you can find trees that change colors, play music, or come with built-in lights.

Combining Your Christmas Tree Purchase with Romance, Getaways, and Education

Today, purchasing an artificial Christmas tree has become more than just a holiday tradition. It can be an opportunity to give back through charity, a way to explore medieval times through history classes, or even part of a romantic or educational vacation.

Some churches and charities sell trees to raise funds for their organizations. Consider purchasing from them to support their causes.

If you want to combine your purchase with a getaway or education, consider visiting places like the Christmas Tree Trail at Disneyland or the Museum of Science and Industry in Chicago. These locations offer immersive and educational displays of Christmas tree history and culture.

And, of course, purchasing a tree can be a romantic gesture, whether you’ll be cuddling by its warm lights or taking a trip to a cozy cabin in the woods. With so many options available worldwide, purchasing your tree promptly and incorporating it into other aspects of your life can make the holiday season all the more special.

In conclusion, the legacy of artificial Christmas trees spans many centuries and continents. From simple wooden structures to elaborate displays of wealth, these trees have become a symbol of holiday spirit and tradition worldwide. And with so many options available to customize your experience, from romance to education, there’s never been a better time to purchase an artificial Christmas tree.